Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Why I Love Running + Race Registration Giveaway!

While training for my first half marathon back in 2013, I didn't feel inspiring. I registered for the race to help cope with a difficult time in my life, when I didn't feel very successful at all. Long story short, I was working my tail off in grad school and at work, but it felt like I was going nowhere. Training for the half marathon helped take my mind off of the struggles I was going through in my post-undergrad life. And that gave me hope.

I've told this story millions of times, but for those of who haven't heard it before, I crossed the finish line of my first half a different person than when I started. Despite struggling during the last three miles of the race, I stepped over that final Chrono-Track overwhelmed with emotion. I felt incredible. And powerful. And most importantly...successfulI ran six more half marathons that year, each one proving that I was getting stronger and faster. I kept competing because after struggling for so long, I had finally found something that provided me with a sense of achievement. 

And that's what I love about running. No matter what you're going through, no matter how hard things get, running has the power to almost instantly make any situation feel a million times better. It won't earn you a 4.0 in grad school or land you your dream job, but it will help you develop the confidence you need to succeed in every day life. This is why I have spent nearly every day since my first half marathon sharing my passion for running, in hopes of inspiring others to recognize their potential, to challenge themselves, and to accomplish things they never thought possible. 

So as part of my effort to get more people running and challenging themselves, I'm giving away one free race registration to the 2017 Divas Half Marathon in DC's Wine Country! The race takes place on September 16th, and registration includes personalized race bibs, participant tees, a pink tutu, and a drawstring bag. After running 13.1 miles alongside hundreds of other women (and a few good men!), you'll be rewarded with a pink feather boa, tiara, an incredible finisher's medal (see below), and some bubbly!

Want to earn your tiara?

Enter the giveaway by leaving me a comment and tell me what you love about running -- that's it! The winner will be announced Wednesday, March 8th, and will notified by e-mail. Best of luck!

Not interested in testing your luck? No problem! You can register for the event yourself here. Promo code RCDIVADC17 saves you 10% on either distance. Hope to see you there!

Come run with me!

What do you love about running?